News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Global warming “hockey stick” data founded on FRAUD… computer models “hacked” to produce warming trend from any data set
“The hockey stick debate is thus about two things. At a technical level it is about flaws in methodology and erroneous results in a scientific paper. But at a political level, the debate is about whether the IPCC betrayed the trust of governments around the world.” – Professor Ross McKitrick, 2005 In late 2016, the […]
By Mike Adams
Dirty dairy industry launches propaganda war on clean food (video)
The dirty dairy industry doesn’t merely push dirty products contaminated with blood, pus and feces, it also uses dirty tactics to try to terrorize people who choose not to consume their filthy products. The latest disinfo propaganda campaign from the dirty dairy industry involves a major media push to try to scare people into thinking […]
By Mike Adams
Peer-reviewed science journal gets HOAXED by fake science paper that claims PENISES cause climate change
Remember when I said recently that the entire left-wing scientific establishment has become convinced that everything causes climate change? My assertion has now been confirmed beyond any doubt. A peer-reviewed science journal has just been caught publishing a hilariously fake science paper — written in leftish-sounding “sciency gibberish” — that literally claims penises cause climate […]
By Mike Adams
Honest, independent, FEARLESS journalism: Why awakened people love Natural News and the Health Ranger
Not everybody is ready to be awakened to the real world, but for those who are, Natural News is widely known as the most truthful, honest and independent natural health website in the world. While other watered-down health sites refuse to take on the big issues affecting our civilization and our planet — GMOs, vaccine […]
By Mike Adams publishes emails from Boston Herald’s hate-filled VACCINE MURDER advocate Rachelle Cohen
Rachelle Cohen believes that anyone who opposes mercury in vaccines should be hanged to death. She’s a veteran writer / editor for the Boston Herald, and she has just demonstrated how the vaccine industry — and its mainstream media cohorts — is a violent, lunatic terrorism organization that has now decided to start calling for […]
By Mike Adams
BOSTON RALLY this Thursday to target the Boston Herald for stating that vaccine skeptics should all be “hanged to death”
After the Boston Herald published an article claiming that scientists, journalists and naturopaths who oppose injecting children with mercury should be “hanged to death,” all hell broke loose for the Herald and its editor, Rachelle Cohen. For starters, Natural News urged its readers and fans to report the Boston Herald to the Boston FBI and […]
By Mike Adams
EMERGENCY Action Item: Join us in reporting Boston Herald journo-terrorists to the Boston FBI and Boston Police
This is an emergency action alert from Natural News. Earlier this week, the Boston Herald openly published an editorial representing the views of its entire editorial staff, essentially calling for government-run execution squads to mass murder scientists, journalists and naturopathic physicians who oppose mercury in vaccines. According to the Boston Herald, all these people should […]
By Mike Adams
Boston Herald calls for government-run execution squads to MASS MURDER naturopaths, scientists and journalists who oppose mercury in immunizations
In the latest lunatic, insane example of “vaccine rage” now being pushed by the criminal vaccine industry and its corporate-run media prostitutes, the Boston Herald’s entire editorial staff has openly called for what are essentially government-run execution squads to mass murder scientists, naturopaths, chiropractors and journalists who question the safety of injecting children with mercury, […]
By Mike Adams
Federal government releases financial settlement figures for vaccine injuries, shattering media’s false claim that vaccines never harm anyone
Even while the hopelessly dishonest, scientifically illiterate oldstream media continues lying to the public with the ridiculous narrative that “vaccines are safe” — read WashPost, The Atlantic, NYT or USA Today for a daily dose of vaccine holocaust denialism — the federal government has publicly released vaccine injury payout figures that prove vaccines routinely maim […]
By Mike Adams
HPV vaccine turns young woman into a shriveled, tortured vaccine victim with severe pain that never goes away
The entire corporate-controlled media in the United States maintains a total news blackout over the vaccine injuries that maim, disfigure and even kill children and teens across America. As part of the unapologetic news censorship, hideously unethical, child-sacrificing publishers like The Atlantic absurdly LIE to their readers, claiming vaccines never harm anyone at all (see […]
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