News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Since “climate change” alarmism has flopped, the same scammers are now toying with a new phrase they hope will sound more urgent
Climate change alarmists aren’t quite getting the results they’d like with their current approach, so they’re doing what any smart business people would do when their product isn’t selling: switching to a new marketing tactic. Now, they’re trying to get a more urgent-sounding phrase for the issue to catch on – one that they hope […]
By Cassie B.
Highest CO2 levels recorded in 3 million years still don’t budge global temperatures… official climate change narrative collapses in the face of real science
Is carbon dioxide the driving force behind climate change? That’s what many climate change alarmists would have you believe, but when you look at real-world data, that narrative collapses. If, as they claim, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are now higher than they’ve been at any point during the past three million years, and […]
By Cassie B.
Crispr gene “edited” food crops the new wave of GMOs… are they safer or just as dangerous?
A growing segment of the public has made it clear that they do not want to consume GMOs, and you only need to look at the labels touting the non-GMO status of a growing number of foods in the grocery store to see evidence of just how much the masses have awakened to the dangers […]
By Cassie B.
BOMBSHELL: “Consensus” theory of evolution of the species falls apart; new mitochondrial DNA study reveals NO animal species more than 200,000 years old
A surprising new study is casting serious doubt on the popular theory that modern animals are the result of millions of years of evolution. After looking at the mitochondrial DNA of thousands of animal species, including humans, researchers reached the stunning conclusion that nearly every species dates back just 100,000 to 200,000 years. The study […]
By Cassie B.
Medical monstrosity: Doctors creating “three-parent” babies to be carried to term by female volunteers
With all the Frankenstein-like science that we’ve been seeing in recent years, it was only a matter of time before scientists found a way to create babies using three parents. Now, doctors in the UK have been given the green light to create three-parent babies. The country’s fertility regulator is allowing doctors at Newcastle Fertility […]
By Cassie B.
ADHD: A cognitive issue or behavioral problem? A look at how public schools push false diagnoses
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is highly controversial, with some believing it’s a cognitive issue and others insisting it is a behavioral problem. In fact, its very existence as a legitimate illness is questionable, given the fact that diagnosing a person with ADHD does not involve any sort of scientific testing. Even those in […]
By Cassie B.
Exposing the junk science behind the mental health racket: A look at the hoax behind the toxic medicines used to treat “mental disorders”
Psychiatry might sound like a science, but it’s not quite as cut and dried as other areas of medicine, and that’s something you might want to think about before blindly accepting any psychiatric diagnoses a doctor gives you – and especially before you start taking any psychiatric medications. Mental disorders can be quite subjective, after […]
By Cassie B.
Heart stent FAIL: Shocking study shows heart stents are medically useless
Getting surgery is a stressful experience that poses varying degrees of risk depending on the procedure, but it’s a chance many people are willing to take if it means that it can improve a health problem. A desire to get rid of chest pain drives many patients to have heart stents put in, but a […]
By Cassie B.
Thirty years of fear mongering, and global warming still hasn’t destroyed the planet
When we hear “experts” talking about how global warming is going to destroy our planet in 25 years, it’s natural to wonder how much of a possibility that really is. Is Earth going to become completely inhabitable and cause all of us to die a miserable death? They’ve got a lot of predictions and projections, […]
By Cassie B.
Human efforts to reverse climate change could DESTROY the planet in catastrophic backfire, scientists warn
Reversing climate change seems to be the celebrity cause du jour, and there are many people who feel that significant action is needed to help counteract global warming. Most people want to protect the planet on which we live, but there is a lot of misinformation out there and plenty of debate on the best […]
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