News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
Terence Corcoran: A not-so-green reality behind the green transition
In the rollicking world of net-zero policy-making and initiatives, Canada aims to be a global leader. The country’s bankers, mining executives, auto companies, electricity producers and political leaders have merged into a unified machine around the idea that a new green economy can be achieved via a just transition to a global energy system free of carbon […]
By News Editors
Very few scientists agree that climate change is driven by human activity
You have likely heard that 97% of scientists agree on human-driven climate change. The overwhelming majority of scientists take no view on the question of whether climate change is man-made, for it is beyond our present knowledge to answer. (Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from Only 0.3% of science papers state humans are the […]
By News Editors
Deadly globalist scam: ‘Global warming to alternative energy sources, it’s all one big hoax’
“World government wants massive profits for the wind and solar sector. They want to take away a lot of our freedoms.” – Scientist Tom Harris (Article by Miranda Sellick republished from Nothing is what it appears to be. That heatwave that hit Europe this past summer? Twenty years ago, it was just a heatwave. […]
By News Editors
Australian study treats climate change skepticism as a mental disorder
A team of psychological researchers from Australia is delving into the mindset of those who refuse to buy the notion that man-made climate change is quickly creating an unlivable, barren wasteland on Earth. Researchers from the University of the Sunshine Coast looked to explain why such “cranks” continue to deny what they call “the reality […]
By News Editors
Proof your Government is manipulating data to cover up the lethality of COVID-19 vaccination
Despite widespread anecdotal and research evidence of severe disease and death closely associated with COVID-19 injections, their link to COVID mortality has been dismissed as rare and coincidental, because comprehensive statistical evidence has not been obvious in official mortality data. (Article by Dr Wilson Sy republished from A recent paper [1] solves this puzzle […]
By News Editors
Why “Zombie Ice” and other claims of Greenland ice melt raising sea levels are just modeled hokum
From the check your Chinese soot before you check your CO2 driven climate model department. (Article by Anthony Watts republished from One of the dumbest climate claims this week is “Zombie Ice” from the ever alarmed and almost always wrong Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press. He of course just made up the term “Zombie Ice” […]
By News Editors
The big green lie almost everyone claims to believe
Almost every member of Congress, Democrat or Republican, pays homage to the Big Green Lie. So do all the past and remaining Conservative candidates vying to be prime minister of the UK and every candidate currently vying for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. So does virtually all of the mainstream press. (Article […]
By News Editors
‘Greenhouse gas effect does not exist,’ a Swiss physicist challenges global warming climate orthodoxy
Thomas Allmendinger, an independent Swiss physicist, has conducted a series of experiments published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that call into question the physical principles of the greenhouse gas theory. Thomas Allmendinger, an independent scholar educated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, has dared to challenge the conventional politically correct climate dictum that CO2 is a […]
By News Editors
Vaccine mandates were predicated on “hope” rather than science, admits Deborah Birx
Former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx revealed that the federal government was relying on “hope” that COVID-19 vaccines would prevent infection when officials publicly stated that Americans who received the jab would become immune to the virus. (Article by Natalie Winters republished from The admission came during a line of questioning […]
By News Editors
FDA uses unreliable data to justify COVID shots for infants and toddlers
Urgent Action Item Below. As promised, the FDA has ginned up a report that ostensibly will be used to try to justify “approval” (whatever they mean by that now) of COVID-19 vaccines for infants and toddlers (children < 5 years old). Here’s the report for your reference. (Article by James Lyons-Weiler republished from This report […]
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