By Tracey Watson
Top U.S. scientists forced to resign over allegations of corruption and false studies
Integrity and incorruptibility are qualities that we have every right to expect from the pillars of the scientific community. Shockingly, however, these pillars seem to be crumbling right before our eyes. Agence France-PresseĀ (AFP) recently reported that two of the most prominent scientists in the United States have been pressured to resign in the past few […]
By David Williams
Climate-altering technology designed to sequester carbon dioxide could cause catastrophic destruction of life, scientists warn
They say that there are pros and cons to pretty much everything in life. A new paper now suggests that the same could also be said about the use of a technology that’s designed to ultimately save the environment. According to the scientists behind the paper, the use of what is referred to as bioenergy […]
By Gregory Van Dyke
Global warming junk science nonsense deconstructed by the Mike Adams, independent science pioneer
Mike Adams debunks “junk science nonsense” spewed by global warming alarmists. Climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels in coal-fueled power plants and combustion engines, according to these scaremongers. Today, alarmists believe that the cause of climate change is the excessive production and release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Everyone is told that […]
By Amy Goodrich
Massive academic cover-up concealing a near-total collapse of ocean food chains … mass death to humans will follow
Marine fish provides 15 percent of all animal protein consumed by humans. Unfortunately, we may not have the luxury of eating fish much longer. While academics are forbidden, under threat, to share their findings on the actual health of the Pacific Ocean, stories of blue deserts void of life are popping up along the West […]
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